date : 2011-06-27 15:12
글쓴이 :
에어원 이메일 : 연락처 :
조회 : 38,898
Hello, this is Airone blimp. Thank you for your interest in our company. I am Sung-Gook Yang, the representative for this company. I am terribly sorry that I couldn't respond back fast enough for after your message. My cell phone number is: (010-2074-7004) and my e-mail is: ( The ID for my web-site is: (theairline) and the Password is: (theairline). Lastly, the company number is: (1544-2218). Please contact me with this in ation and thank you very much again for your interest. Hope to hear from you soon.
[이 게시물은 에어원님에 의해 2012-01-20 16:48:15 질문과답변에서 복사 됨]