홈 > 고객센터 > 질문과답변
date : 2011-06-26 15:43
Dear Sung-Gook
 글쓴이 : Mather   이메일 :   연락처 :
조회 : 36,864  
Dear Sung-Gook,

First I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

I have been trying to call the company but it seems that I did not manage the city code right and I could not find any email contact on your web site.

We are looking for a reliable Blimp manufacturer with a proven record of producing high quality with highest safety measures blimps as we are planing to launch a blimp advertising company towards the med of 2010.

We would like to request you to send us your price list and detailed specification of your (12-15-22 meters) blimps, as well ass all accessories such as the pan and tilt for still and video cameras, auto pilot system and ground station, tracking antenna, onboard starters and generators if any, internal lighting...etc

Thanks and regards [이 게시물은 에어원님에 의해 2012-01-20 16:48:15 질문과답변에서 복사 됨]


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